10 PowerPoint tips that will help you save time


Julkaistu 11.12.2015

Do you suffer with PowerPoint and all it’s technical features? Do you feel like you could use few great PowerPoint tips that would help save your nerves and time?

PowerPoint is a great and versatile presentation design tool but it can also be bit complicated and confusing to use, especially if you are not a devoted superuser. And even if you are, there might be few tricks that you are unfamiliar with!

We think that we know PowerPoint pretty well. Because we would like to see you enjoy it too, we have gathered our favorite tricks to simple and easily memorable tips. Altogether we have ten tips and you can see all the tips in the slideshow below.

[slideshare id=53732727&doc=10powerpointhack01-151009103433-lva1-app6892]

#1 Save time by using shortcuts
#2 How to keep track of multiple elements on a slide
#3 How to write 58 words per second in PowerPoint
#4 How to format shapes super quickly in PowerPoint
#5 How to fade edges of an image in PowerPoint
#6 How to create PowerPoint animations and stay sane
#7 How to make your slides look coherent quickly
#8 How to quickly scale the size of many elements
#9 How to overcome aspect ratio limitations in PowerPoint
#10 Quick trick to change shapes in masses in PowerPoint

What is your favorite or most used PowerPoint hack? Share your insights on Twitter by using hashtag #ImpactfulPrez!